Frequently Asked Questions

My client’s medical expenses are too high for the settlement amount, can you help us to get them back under control?

We work to assess every situation independently. That said, we’ve found that in many cases we are able to work with all parties involved to find acceptable reimbursement rates that can be covered by the settlement amount. We will also tell you if it’s a waste of time immediately (for free). Even with the lowest minimum state-level coverage, we can usually find a way to help.

How much do you cost?

We have flexible pricing options to cater to your firm’s unique needs. Simply contact us and we will be happy to provide additional information. If we can’t help on a specific case, we will let you know immediately without charge. However, for the cases where we can help, there is a direct Return on Investment for both time and money for you and your client.

Do you offer something other than a full-service negotiation?

Yes, we do. We offer a cost analysis report for any kind of client for a small fixed fee. If you would like to negotiate yourself or just know where you stand, we do the analysis, and you can do the negotiation based on our research.

How long does your process take?

Every case is different and timing can fluctuate based on a number of different factors. With this in mind, we can work within any specific timelines outlined by our clients. Any delays or case changes are clearly communicated back to our clients in real-time.

When leveraged pre-settlement, our services have been known to help plaintiffs settle faster knowing that medical expenses are under control.